As we move to Robotics stage, as well as world which is increasingly becoming digital, it may be a topic of interest to be able to calculate intensity of emotion. This is in fact, a challenging task, since we haven't yet developed accurate algorithm which can always correctly predict what type of emotion would be generated for a given set of circumstances, leave alone how much of that emotion would be predicted.
One particular difficulty in the task is that no human respond with single emotion to any stimuli. A sentient response always consist of a group of emotions, with different intensities associated with them.
In this blog, I will try to work on relation between set of circumstances, and given emotion.
Before moving forward, let me review key terms :
- Emotion : A state of feeling, or a state of mind derived from present circumstances and resulting in behavioral changes. Examples include : Anger, love etc.
- Intensity (of emotion) : How strong a feeling may be present. e.g. anger in high intensity can lead to rage, while high sexual desire can be termed as lust.
- Stimuli: In simple, words they are external circumstances to which a response must be given.
Our next job should be to investigate the factors on which intensity of emotion depends:
Other Emotions
Any emotion is dependent on other emotions. The level of anger clearly does depend on level of disgust which is felt; jealousy intensity depends upon both the love intensity as well as hatred intensity. (You intensity of jealousy does depend on how much you love your partner/how much you hate with whoever your partner is having an affair. Of course, intensity of jealousy will be dependent on other factors such as pride, trust etc also)
Thus, we get :
- Intensity of emotion depends on intensities of other emotions.
A basic equation is then :
IE = IE1 + IE2 + ...
Trivially, next point should be that any intensity may add or may diminish the intensity of given emotion.
This completes today's entry. In coming parts, we would view other factors affecting any emotion such as type of person who is responding to stimuli (under same set of circumstances, two persons react differently), type of relationship you share towards stimuli entities ( A same person may react differently to different person) and other things.
Trivially, next point should be that any intensity may add or may diminish the intensity of given emotion.
- An Intensity may be positive, negative or zero.
- Emotions contributing positively are constructive, those with negative intensity are destructive, while one with zeroes (or near-about values) are indifferent for that emotion.
IE = ∑ IEi
Our range of i depends on us, and our data-base. In my opinion, we have three ways to achieve this equation, for every emotion, map out certain constructive and destructive emotions and iterate over them; second way is to iterate over every emotion in database, and thus calculate intensity; while third yet is to constrict ourselves to set of only few basic emotions and calculate with respect to them.
[A supplement, if needed, can be written describing advantages/disadvantages of each method]
There are various ways in which again degree can be implemented. One way to do so, would be to assign absolute degree as 1. If a degree is one, it means that particular emotion is certain to impact the emotion under consideration. Further, a degree could be implemented linearly or exponentially, as indicated by further research. (Linearly: a degree 0.6 emotion means that this equation is twice more impact-ful than 0.3 degree emotion on given emotion; while in exponential implementation, this may not be the case)IE = ∑ IEi
Our range of i depends on us, and our data-base. In my opinion, we have three ways to achieve this equation, for every emotion, map out certain constructive and destructive emotions and iterate over them; second way is to iterate over every emotion in database, and thus calculate intensity; while third yet is to constrict ourselves to set of only few basic emotions and calculate with respect to them.
[A supplement, if needed, can be written describing advantages/disadvantages of each method]
- Basic Emotions: It is argued that with help of only few emotions, any emotion could be constructed, While No universal agreement is there on which emotions consist of basic emotions (or of there are basic emotions), one set as proposed by Plutchick is { joy,sadness ; acceptance, disgust; anger, fear; surprise, anticipation }
However, we aren't quite done yet.
Each emotion affects other emotion by different degree. Surely, impact of surprise is less than impact of care if we are talking about emotion of love. It may be so, a stimuli generates lots of surprise in you, but the high value of surprise should not affect the intensity of love.
This means each emotion is perceived by any emotion differently. Therefore, this perception or closeness of any emotion to other emotion must be factored in our equation.
The most logical way to do that would be to multiply degree of closeness to that respective emotion.
IE = ∑ IEi*DEi
This completes today's entry. In coming parts, we would view other factors affecting any emotion such as type of person who is responding to stimuli (under same set of circumstances, two persons react differently), type of relationship you share towards stimuli entities ( A same person may react differently to different person) and other things.